About Me

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San Luis Obispo, CA, United States
I'm Bailey....more precisely the future Mrs. Bailey Nahrgang. I am head over heels for my man, the amazing Taylor. He rocks at everything. My horses provide me with amazing opportunities and accomplishments. I am about to embark on a year of rodeo, driving, rodeo and oh, more driving. I am blessed beyond belief. I can only hope to grow and learn so much through the next few years. Life is good!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 59 - Mood: Optimistic

I must begin by apologizing for my lack of blogging efforts lately. I am a failure when it comes to blogging in the few last weeks and I have no legimate excuse. So, I am sorry my friends!

Well a lot has occurred since we last spoke. It was been about 18 days and I have been soaking in some amazing Arizona bliss. I am "home" now in Buckeye, Arizona. I have since competed in Tucson and Scottsdale rodeo and had no such luck. Taylor has this motto for us and it is: "Let's try one more time" and so I do! This weekend we were entered in the Scottsdale slack Thursday and neither of us had a lick of luck. Friday we traveled over to a jackpot in Queen Creek and Spy and Angel both were awesome! I won a decent checked on Angel. Saturday morning was a open rodeo (Grand Canyon rodeo) at Wild Pass and Spy ran well. He had a great first barrel which has been our issue lately, and then drug down the second barrel leaving it! Go figure. Taylor drew the crappiest steer, and although he did everything to set him up right, he was a bit longer on his time. Taylor's brothers and sister were also entered, along with his brother's wife, Miss Candace. We had ourselfs a good time, but I think between the 6 of us, no one picked up a check! Yikes!
After the rodeo, I loaded my ponies and headed back over to the same jackpot. I ran Spy and WAS CLEAN for the first time in awhile. He ran a 17.3 on a standard. Angel had a fairly good run as well. We fell into the cracks as far as money goes, but I was pleased with my horses performances.

This morning at the open rodeo (two days - two different rodeos - same place) I got brave and borrowed a long over-and-under whip to use on Spy man and boy did he run....right past the first barrel! I just kept him moving though, and it placed us second in the slack. I am still awaiting the final results of the performance today. I was tickled! I wish I would have thought of that sooner!

My mom came and visited a few days back. It was so amazing to see her. It sure made me miss home more and more though. Shelby's birthday is this weekend and I wish I could be there to celebrate her 21st with her. Oh, and my mother brought my puppy Stanley out here when she came, so now he is an Arizona pup. He has a TON of friends here to play with and he is as happy as can be.

Taylor also had a birthday since I last blogged. The old man turned 24 and thinks it is cool that I am into "older men" ha ha! He is too funny. So the two of us are currently planted in Buckeye working for the facility here and focusing on getting things on track for our future, including some major wedding planning. We even got engagement photos taken and I absolutely love them! If anyone is in the Arizona area and needs photos, Brooke Lackey is great and so well priced! I can't wait to debut them to everyone in the near future.

I am trying to think of what else you all need to be updated on. The weather is fabulous.....like low 80's in the days and 70's throughout the evening to where you can ride in a t-shirt all night. I love that! I love not being on the road and living out of a suitcase. I love being around more than one or two familiar faces. I love that my luck may be starting to change.

A lot of thinking, processing and deliberation has taken place over the past weeks and I have definately stepped back as far as racing. I had to re-evaluate my plan and work out some alternative options. Yes, I relize my 2011 NFR dreams are quickly sliping out of reach, but heck why couldn't a girl dream? It takes a heck of a lot longer to my the finals than one year, it takes several years of learning your horses, the arenas, and where you can do well at. I saw the a great quote from my friend and local trainer Lyndee Stairs and it said "experience is the most expensive teacher of all time". I have spent a lot, but I can promise I learned more than I could ever learn sitting at home in my practice pen or at local jackpots. So, I am going to step back, lift my dream and just move it forward a few years. My goal this year is to just stay happy. It is a big enough task when things aren't going your way, and so I am going to tackle it head on and hope for the best.

I love and miss everyone.....yes, everyone! God Bless you all.



  1. Nothing like a little break and some family love to help keep you postive Fresno is on your side!!

  2. Girl - it's time to make a new post;)
